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Ausstellung | Regional

Gravity and Grace

Colin Guillemet
St Anna Kappelle, St. Annagasse 11, 8001 Zurich

Gravity and Grace is a project following the thread of “conversion”, under the auspices of Simone Weil’s famous essay. Weil’s La Pesanteur et la Grace was written during WWII, a time of crisis and of her transformation from philosopher and political thinker, Durutti Column fighter, to 20th century mystic, contemplating her own conversion to catholicism. Tangentially, Gravity and Grace later became an important theoretical articulation for when sculpture left the firmly material to embrace conceptual volatility.
This project started with a prompt from a friend pointing to a call for artists to realise something—anything— in the St Anna Chapel. This prompt became an invitation to read and discuss Simone Weil’s essay in the context of the Chapel, which in turn became a recording. Through various processes, the recording became a music sheet, to then become duet for piano and clarinet. 
From occasion to signal, private exchange to public sphere, contact to sonic chatter, Gravity and Grace

PDF: ↓ Programm